Inspire The Next Generation.

I am dedicated to giving opportunities to high school and college graduates interested in film - specifically young girls and black/brown students through numerous programing. My goal is to create a scholarship program, training, and access to free laptops and film supplies.


Black Girls Film Camp is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that provides a FREE, national, and virtual 12-week experience (held once a year) where high school Black girls across the country pitch a story idea, and a final ten are selected to have their short film project produced by the program. Over 200 Black girls across the country applied for the 2022 camp and 10 finalists were selected to direct and develop their own short films. The camp is an incubator for the 10 girls and each of their films.

 Participants receive free technology (iPads, ring lights, wireless mics, tripods, etc.) free software (final draft and adobe premiere), a personal production team of exemplary Black women creatives (editor and creative coach) contracted out by the camp, an all-expense paid weekend retreat in LA, and free workshops from Black women that are award-winning filmmakers and Ph.D. scholars.


As a part of our #Editbae Bootcamp, we’ll be hosting workshops and streaming conversations with professional creatives, filmmakers, designers, and curators to inspire the next generation. Our goal is to expose hidden opportunities in the industry and grow the skill set of future filmmakers.

Events TBA

“I'm not saying I'm gonna rule the world or I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee you that I will spark the brain that will change the world. And that's our job, It's to spark somebody else watching us.”

— Tupac Shakur